Capture Your Best Angles
4K, 120 frames per second, 360 Degrees to capture a slow-motion video like nothing else. Immediately available for sharing, Attention-Getting, Extreme Brand Exposure
Designed for Your Branding
Our graphic design team will work with you to make sure your brand looks good, and is front and center to get the attention it deserves!

Picture-perfect Perks
Optimize your GIF booth experience with these free (optional) extras!

Social Sharing
Guests can quickly and easily share the media taken with the 360 Cam to their social media accounts – widespread brand exposure!

Real-Time Analytics
Built-in Event Analytics software allows you to track when and where the event content is being distributed, generating powerful marketing data.

Content Galore
Share videos from your event in real-time, and afterward for maximum distribution.

Customized disclaimers in user prompts make it easy to obtain elegibility verfications and permission to use their photos for your brand.

Lead Generation

Email Opt-Ins
Email Opt-Ins
Inform users that providing their email will opt them in for exciting news and updates from your brand.
Animated Overlays
The 360 Cam includes one TagPrints Team Member onsite, setup takes about 30 minutes, footprint required is 20ftx20ft.