Frozen Moments,
Begging to Be Shared
The Array panoramic camera is a perfect solution for all event sizes. Multiple cameras shoot simultaneously, capturing a split second at a 180° rotation. Videos are immediately available to share from a kiosk.

One Less Thing To Worry About! – OUR TAG TEAM HAS YOUR BACK…
Two members of our team will be there during your event to assure smooth sailing. We’ll assemble, assist, operate, breakdown, and pack up.
Make it Yours
Your brand will be screaming for attention while on display with our with custom designed overlays and backdrops by our team of talented design experts.

Flashy Perks!
These additional perks will help optimize your event.
Stunning, Ongoing Marketing Content
Share photos live from your event online, and afterward for maximum event exposure.

Real-Time Analytics
Track shares across all social media platforms with our built-in analytics software.

Customized disclaimers in user prompts make it easy to obtain elegibility verfications and permission to use their photos for your brand.

Valuable Lead Generation
Require phone or email information from users in order for them to share their photos—and grow your contact list at the same time.

Powerful Data Collection